Friday, August 24, 2012

Had a Great Conversation Tonight...

I had a great conversation with my mom this evening(not my "real" mom who I lived with growing up, abut the person who has truly invested in my life and who I'd be ok calling mom)...much of our discussion touched on various value judgments and some of the differences in our beliefs now.  I felt good about the conversation, and I'm ashamed to say I haven't given her enough credit for accepting me regardless of how I choose to live.  It's not perfect but it's probably the closest I'll ever get to actually having a mom and it was refreshing to reconnect for a few hours.  Our talk made me realize that I need to invest more in that relationship than I've done recently; I think I've pulled back on sharing partly because we're both so busy, and partly because I worry that some of what I have to share may leave her feeling disappointed.  But that doesn't mean I shouldn't still share myself with her. 

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